Latest Episodes

2018 Step 11 - Spiritual Awareness
Two speakers tell their journey with Step 11 and their spiritual experiences, as well as sharing from the audience.

2018 - Step 10 - Perseverance
Speakers sharing their OA experience, struggles with wieght, working the steps focusing on the maintenance Step 10.

2018 - How it Works - Chapter 5
Biair and Theresa talk about service, prayer , FROG - Fully Rely On God and much more with their 33 yrsr combined history in...

2018 -Step 10 - Perseverance
Mike and Rebecca share their stories and how they work Step 10 as a regular tool to stay abstinant..

2018 - Into Action - Chapter 6
Barbie and Ann share their experience with Step 5, Into Action from the AA Big Book. One of the many helpful ideas -"Don't wait...

2018 - Virtual World - How to Get Connected
Evangeline And Charlize share their personal experience in OA and talk about the Virtual Region, ZOOM meetings as well as answering questions and sharing...